Did you know that babies who are worn in a soft carrier for part of the day tend to cry less? Learn the wonderful skill of babywearing by scheduling an in home lesson or virtual lesson! Select Babywearing Services above for a full list of prices and classes scheduled.
After baby is born, all family members need a little extra care and kindness. A postpartum doula will nurture baby's caregivers, assist with infant care, and provide household support such a light cooking. Give yourself or loved ones the gift of nurturing with a postpartum doula! We now have TWO doulas to serve you! Learn more about Laura and Sheri below.
Laura began her babywearing and doula journey over 15 years ago with the birth of her first child. She blends 14 years of experience in mental health social work with her professional babywearing and doula training to provide sensitive and compassionate services to families in Western Pennsylvania. Laura is a licensed clinical social worker in PA and certified as a postpartum doula by DONA International.
Sherilyn has a masters in anthropology from the University of London and a masters of education from Pace University. She has a passion for helping people and has been supporting families throughout her career. Her experience ranges from working as service coordinator for children with disabilities, a special education teacher, and she is a licensed Behavior Specialist Consultant (BSC) who worked in families’ homes with wraparound behavioral health. These roles and experiences shape Sherilyn’s doula work as she recognizes that each family's circumstances and needs are different and she is able to offer non judgemental support. She values her empathetic nature, listening skills, and sensitivity to each family's unique experience and her calmness and warmth makes her clients feel safe and cared for.
After a year of being home helping her daughter with virtual school and talking with friends who struggled after having babies during the pandemic, Sherilyn knew that she needed to expand her support for families to include new parents. She is certified with DONA International. Sherilyn’s goal is to provide practical, informational, and emotional support to new parents, helping them feel relaxed, encouraged, and confident as they enter parenthood.
Laura is the mother to two teenagers. During family time, Laura enjoys cooking, travel planning, camping and road trips. Read about Laura's travels at www.respectthevan.com
Laura has worked in multiple social work settings during her nearly 20 year career. Some highlights include teaching in the Pitt MSW program, 2 inpatient psychiatric hospitals, a hotline for victims of intimate partner violence, a youth employment program, and a community educator teaching about healthy relationships. She obtained her degrees from Carlow and the University of Pittsburgh.
After several years of volunteering for Pittsburgh Babywearers, Laura noticed that babywearing seemed to make a big difference in people's satisfaction with their parenting, Wear Your Little One was born in 2012, to provide professional babywearing support. During home visits and classes, Laura often found herself giving gentle baby care and nurturing advice, and realized this was a needed part of service to families. She began providing postpartum doula services in 2014.